Things I like: physical photos, nice journals, plants, and cats.

Hello! My name is Emma and while yes, I am a student, I am also a person! I like lots of things but my primary hobbies are reading and video games.

I’m originally from Maryland and I got interested in science through a combination of a human anatomy class, a Chesapeake Bay field trip, and attending the XSTEM conference in high school.

I consider myself very lucky to have had these opportunities so early in life, and want to pay it forward to other potential scientists who haven’t had the same.

Other things I like are skateboarding and collecting plant pressings. I currently volunteer at the UCSC Norris Center, which is super fun (you should too!).

I go through ebbs and flows of being really online and very easy to contact, and disappearing and going a little MIA off the internet. I’m always happy to chat via email, but if you can’t get a hold of me, my social medias are also linked below.

Tuxedo cat in the sun with bright yellow-orange eyes. He is mostly black with long white whiskers, a white chin, and a small white patch on his forehead.

Cat Person

This is my son Tuna, aka Kahuna cat. He is my baby, his “Gotcha” day is August 23rd, and his birthday is December 11th. Send me photos of your cats and I will scream.

Natural History Enthusiast

I am a huge iNaturalist fan! I love finding creatures and fungi and plants and learning about natural history. You can find me on iNaturalist as @womeninstems. Hopefully my IDs are semi-accurate, I’m still learning as I go!

Five people with skateboards posing in front of a gazebo.


I started skateboarding in the summer of 2020. Needed a hobby, had the time, here I am now. I ride a 8" Meow board with Independent trucks and Spitfire wheels. My favorite trick to do is a no comply 180.

Photo by Bruce.