
Graduate Projects [in development]

Salt Marsh Restoration

2023 — Ongoing

Salt marshes in California have been historically diked and drained, limiting ecosystem services like storm surge protection and carbon sequestration. Elkhorn Slough NERR combats this issue through the Hester Marsh Project, a multimillion dollar restoration effort along the Elkhorn Slough main channel. We are investigating methods of planting and amendments to enhance revegetation. I am currently recruiting undergraduates and volunteers on a rolling basis to support this project. If you are interested, email me at <>.

Herbarium Specimen Collection

2024 — Ongoing

Native plants have a range of life history strategies, from the succulent clonal growth in pickleweed (Salicornia pacifica), to the large canopies of alkali heath (Frankenia salina), and even the ephemeral blooms of salt marsh sand-spurrey (Spergularia spp.) in Elkhorn Slough’s marshes. We seek to better understand and identify the species involved in our restoration projects to create better solutions to revegetation challenges. Working with the UCSC Kenneth S. Norris Center provides valuable opportunities to engage with their Vascular Plants collection, by studying and contributing to it.

Past Work

Seedling Competition and Disease

Undergraduate Research

Mentored by Emily Bruns.

Seedling competition and its influence on infectious disease.

Estuarine Algal Biodiversity

Undergraduate Research

Mentored by Feng Chen.

Identification and culturing of aquatic microalgae.