NSF Graduate Research Fellow and PhD Student at University of California, Santa Cruz pursuing a career in coastal ecology.

I. Education 

University of California, Santa Cruz, CA

PhD Student, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology; Second-Year

Research Interests: Coastal Ecology, Estuaries, Plant-Plant Interactions, Restoration

University of Maryland, College Park, MD 

B.S., Biological Sciences: Ecology and Evolution; Awarded May 2023 

II. Research Experience 

University of California, Department of Ecology and Evolution, Parker Lab, Santa Cruz, CA, Graduate Student Researcher, September 2023 – present

Advisor: Dr. Ingrid Parker; Dr. Kerstin Wasson (ESNERR) 

  • Ecological research on plant-plant interactions

  • Plant identification, herbarium specimen collection

  • Scientific communication

University of Maryland, Department of Biology, Bruns Lab, College Park, MD Laboratory Assistant, September 2021 – May 2023

Advisor: Dr. Emily Bruns 

  • Ecological research on plant-disease interactions

  • RStudio, fungal culturing, greenhouse plant care

Institute of Marine Environmental Technology, Chen Lab, Baltimore, MD Summer Intern, June 2022 – August 2022 

Advisor: Dr. Feng Chen 

  • Nine-week Undergraduate Summer Internship Program

  • Algal biodiversity study, cultivation and imaging

University of Maryland, FIRE Program, Molecular Diagnostics Lab, College Park, MD Student Researcher, September 2019 – December 2020 

Advisor: Dr. Catherine Spirito 

  • First-Year Innovative Research Experience program

  • Molecular biology, PCR, biosensors, web page creation

  • Scientific communication via Instagram

III. Presentations 

Yockman E. Harnessing plant interactions for salt marsh restoration. Presented at: Plant Science Symposium. March 2, 2024. University of California. Santa Cruz, CA. (Talk)

Yockman E. Intraspecific Competition Influences Disease Prevalence. Presented at: Undergraduate Research Day. April 28, 2023. University of Maryland. College Park, MD. (Poster)

Yockman E. Isolation and Characterization of Microalgae in the Inner Harbor. Presented at: 21st IMET Summer Intern Research Symposium. August 5, 2022. Institute of Marine Environmental Technology. Baltimore, MD. (Talk)

Boehl N., Papali P., Puntakarn P., Yockman E. Cell-Free Biosensors Overview: Designing A Biosensor for Heavy Metals in Drinking Water. Presented at: FIRE Summit. November 16, 2020. University of Maryland. College Park, MD. (Virtual)

IV. Honors 

National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship, Awarded March 2023.

University Honors Citation, University of Maryland Honors College (April 2022). 

V. Leadership and Community Service 

We Skate at UMD President, Vice President, Secretary, Co-founder; April 2021 – April 2023

Coordinate meetings with the Executive Board & oversee all club activities. Serve as liaison to Faculty Advisor, SGA, and other organizations. Provided leadership and direction to organization. Mentor young girls in skateboarding, & provides support to marginalized and new skaters. Successfully helped lead the campaign for the creation of a permanent skating location on campus, which involved contacting and meeting with many campus departments, such as the Department of Recreation and Wellness and Department of Transportation. Efforts have resulted in a current temporary spot in the Leonardtown Residential Community with a $7,500 budget.

oSTEM [Out in STEM] Secretary; October – December 2022

Prepare meeting minutes, organization of calendar, and contribute to chapter decision making and event planning as part of the executive board.

Pride Alliance Club Liaison; January – November 2022

Liaison between We Skate at UMD and the greater LGBTQ+ community on UMD’s campus. Contribute to organization and promotion of events. Garner support for social movements and protests regarding the treatment of LGBTQ+ students on campus. 

VI. Teaching Experience 

Principles of Ecology and Evolution Laboratory Undergraduate Teaching Assistant; August — December 2022

Lead class sections, office hours, and grade work for introductory laboratory course. Assists students with materials relating to ecology and evolution. Answer questions, emails and solve problems related to students taking the course.

VII. Memberships 

oSTEM: Out in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (Jan 2022–present). 

The Wildlife Society at UMD (2021-present). 

SACNAS: Society for Advancement of Chicanos/Hispanics and Native Americans in Science (2022-present)

VIII. Technical Skills 

Computational: RStudio, Snapgene, ArcGIS Pro, Microsoft Office Suite, Adobe Illustrator + Photoshop 

Wet Lab: PCR, agarose gel electrophoresis, gel imaging, DNA cleanup and quantification, micropipette inoculation, light microscopy, microalgal cultivation, fungal cultivation, Hemocytometer

Other: Data collection, plant care, scientific writing and communication, grant writing